Preluding Ascent – Pale Ale 5.4%


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Preluding Ascent – Pale Ale 5.4%

Whilst we love the aggressively dry-hopped flavour bombs that set the hype train rolling over here at HQ, there’s a certain fondness amongst our brew team for the more delicate, gentle beers too. Preluding Ascent is an experiment into showcasing these delicate, subtle notes that modern day hops can impart into a beer; and we find it’s best showcased through the use of Loral in the dry hop. Bringing gentle floral and peppery citrus notes to the party, we’ve offset this by adding Citra into the mix, which reminds you that yes, this is definitely a Polly’s beer, with additional notes of lime, grapefruit, gooseberry and orange. Finished with a fresh pitch of our bespoke LA3 strain for extra pillowy softness in the mouthfeel, this is a perfect contrast to the high juice, low bitterness IPAs peppered throughout our output.

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